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K4 Instructor


Location: Theresa Wildcat Early Learning Centre

Competition #: 18778

Open To: External

Date Posted: March 21st, 2025

Closing Date: April 4th, 2025 - 12:00am

Job Start Date: April 14th, 2025

Job End Date: June 23rd, 2025

Compensation Rate:


Hours Per Week:

40 hours per week plus overtime as required. 

Additional Information:

Guided by MESC’s vision, mission, Maskwacîs Education Law, Maskwacîs Cree Declaration on Education and Natural Law, the instructor is responsible for planning and implementing nehiyaw okiskinwahamâwasowin (past teachings) and contemporary teachings, thereby providing a balanced education for awâsisak ekwa oskayek. The approved curriculum, grounded in traditional Maskwacîs Nehiyawak teachings are designed to engage all students in positive, enriched, and experiential learning opportunities. 

As directed by the School Commission, the Instructor will meet the professional practice standards as outlined in the The Maskwacis Cree Declaration on Education, selected competencies and indicators from the instructor Quality Standard  and the Instructor Job Description. Although instructors are expected to perform similar duties of an instructor, it is understood that Instructors will meet these competencies with greater support and direction from their supervisor. 

As an employee in the organization, the instructor will model the intent of the Maskwacîs Cree Declaration on Education and the core values of Wâhkôhtowin, Îyinîw Mâmitonehicikan, Nehiyaw Pimâtisiwin, and Nehiyawewin.

The Instructor is responsible to the Principal 

The Instructor will have specific  responsibilities: 


  • Understand, Demonstrate, and Foster the Value of Wâhkôhtowin (Relationships) The Instructor builds positive and productive relationships with students,  Nîkihikomâwak/Ohpikinahawasiwahk (Parents/Caregivers), colleagues, and others in the school and local community to support student learning.


      1. Instructors shall demonstrate respect, fairness and integrity for okâwîmâw askîy (mother earth), kehtehayak (elders), awâsisak (children), oskâyak (youth), and future generations. 
      2. Instructors shall demonstrate empathy and a genuine caring for others.
      3. Instructors shall actively learn about the historical, social, economic and political implications of Maskwacîs  (ie. treaties, residential schools, colonization) to ensure compassion and understanding is demonstrated. 
      4. Instructors shall provide culturally appropriate and meaningful opportunities for students and for Nîkihikomâwak/Ohpikinahawasiwahk (Parents/Caregivers), as partners in education, to support student learning.
      5. Instructors shall invite Nîkihikomâwak/Ohpikinahawasiwahk (Parents/Caregivers), kehtehayak (elders), cultural advisors and local community members into the school and classroom.
      6. Instructors shall collaborate with community service professionals, including mental health, social services, justice, health and law enforcement.
      7. Instructors shall honor cultural diversity and promote intercultural understanding.


  • Engage in Career Long Learning  - The Instructor engages in career-long professional learning and ongoing critical reflection to improve instruction and learning.


      1. Instructors shall model and encourage the use of nehiyawewin in the school community.
      2. Instructors shall foster and learn about the teachings of wâhkôhtowin, îyinîw mâmitonehicikan, nehiyaw pimâtisiwin, and nehiyawewin. 
      3. Instructors shall collaborate with colleagues to build personal and collective professional capacities and expertise (ie. collaborative response structures and processes).
      4. Instructors shall actively seek out feedback to enhance instructional practice.
      5. Instructors shall actively participate and engage in school and MESC wide professional learning opportunities (ie. coaching, peer observation, mentorship programs, district led professional development).
      6. Instructors shall build capacity to support student success in inclusive, welcoming, caring, respectful and safe learning environments.
      7. Instructors shall seek, critically review, and apply educational research to improve practice.
      8. Instructors shall enhance understanding of the community of Maskwacîs including the current and historical perspective.
      9. Instructors shall continuously reflect, refine and improve the craft of instruction.


  • Demonstrate a Professional Body of Knowledge  - The Instructor applies a current and comprehensive repertoire of effective planning, instruction, and assessment practices to meet the learning needs of every student.


      1. Curriculum, Planning and Designing Learning Activities                                     The instructor shall prepare daily lesson plans, unit plans, and long range plans. In these plans there will be reference to:
        1. The Maskwacîsak perspective that encompasses the language, the culture, history and current context. 
        2. Learner Outcomes as outlined in the approved curriculum and the               Maskwacîs Curriculum Development Guide.
        3. Varied, engaging, and relevant materials and resources.
        4. Development of  literacy and numeracy skills.
        5. Varied, engaging, and relevant learning activities that are linked to learner outcomes.       
        6. Digital technology integration.
        7. Differentiated curriculum and assessment methods.
      2. Instruction and Engagement                                                                                                       Îyinîw mâmitonehicikan and nehiyaw pimâtisiwin will inform all instructional methods and strategies and will be used to deliver a strong Maskwacîwiyiniwak program.          
        1. Instructors shall use varied instructional methods and strategies that encourage deep understanding and transfer of learning.
        2. instructors shall promote students to make connections to self as  nehiyaw in their community of Maskwacîs, and the world around them.
        3. Instructors shall communicate high expectations for all students.
        4. Instructors shall foster curiosity through inquiry and experiential learning.
        5. Instructors shall make connections to nehiyaw pimatîsiwin.
        6. Instructors shall consider student strengths, interests, and background knowledge.
        7. Instructors shall ensure learning is accessible to all students by providing instruction and resources that are relevant, engaging, and matches their learning profile.
        8. Instructors shall establish universal classroom structures, routines, procedures and expectations that support the success of all students. 
        9. Instructors shall present information in a variety of ways (ie. small group instruction, direct instruction, experiential learning, individual study, individual instruction, student collaboration).
        10. Instructors shall ensure that students have the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of curricular outcomes in a variety of ways.
        11. Instructors shall acknowledge and respond to student readiness.
        12. Instructors shall understand and respond respectfully to the community demographics and social context.  
        13. Instructors shall teach about Treaties in their classrooms and will utilize the resources recommended by MESC.
      3. Student Assessment and Evaluation Practices   The Instructor is responsible for ensuring student assessment and  evaluation practices consider the Maskwacîsak perspective to include the context, history and relevant experiences.   
        1. Instructors shall ensure assessment materials are not biased or prejudiced toward Indigenous people, history, or context.
        2. Instructors shall gather ongoing data and evidence to support student learning  and determine effective instructional strategies.
        3. Instructors shall use data and evidence to inform student curricula or  instructional learning goals.
        4. Instructors shall generate evidence of student learning to inform instructional practice through a balance of formative and summative assessment experiences.           
        5. Instructors shall provide a variety of assessment methods through which students can demonstrate their achievement of the learning outcomes.
        6.  Instructors shall provide accurate, constructive, and timely feedback on student  learning for both the student and onikihkomâwak  (parents/guardians).
        7. Instructors shall use professional judgement based on evidence and data when determining and reporting the level of student learning.


  • Establishing Inclusive Learning Environments  - The  Instructors’ establishes, promotes, and sustains inclusive learning environments where diversity is embraced and every student is welcomed, cared for, respected and safe.


      1. Instructors shall foster equality and respect in the school community as outlined in the Alberta Human Rights Act and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
      2. Instructors shall ensure pehtamowin (hearing), îtapiwin (vision), waskawîwin (mobility), pîkiskwewin (speech) are all incorporated into the instruction to ensure student needs are met.
      3. Instructors shall use appropriate universal, targeted and specialized strategies and supports to address students’ strengths, learning challenges and areas for growth.
      4. Instructors shall communicate a philosophy of education affirming that every student can learn and be successful.
      5. Instructors shall be aware of and facilitate responses to the emotional and mental health needs of students through an Indigenous trauma-informed lens.
      6. Instructors shall recognize and respond to specific learning needs of individual or small groups of students and, when needed, collaborate with service providers and other specialists to design and provide targeted and specialized support to enable achievement of the learning outcomes. 
      7. Instructors shall employ classroom management strategies that promote positive, engaging, predictable, and consistent learning environments.
      8. Instructors shall incorporate students’ personal and cultural strengths into teaching and learning.
      9. Instructors shall provide opportunities for student leadership.


  • Adhering to Legal Frameworks and Policies   -  The Instructor demonstrates an understanding and adherence to the legal frameworks and policies that provide the foundation for the Maskwacîs Education Schools Commission.


    1. Instructors shall engage in practices consistent with policies and procedures  established by  MESC.
    2. Instructors shall recognize that the professional practice of an instructor is bound by standards  of conduct expected of a caring, knowledgeable and reasonable adult entrusted with the custody, care or education of students.
    3. Instructors shall maintain an awareness of, and respond in accordance with,   requirements authorized under the Maskwacîs Education Law, Maskwacîs Cree Declaration on Education,  and other relevant legislation.
    4. Instructors shall learn about the historical, social, economic, and political implications of: 
      1. Treaties and agreements with First Nations, particularly with those treaties and agreements in Maskwacîs; 
      2. Residential schools and their legacy, particularly with those impacted in Maskwacîs.
      3. Colonization and what it means to decolonize education. 


  • High School Diploma 
  • ECD Level 3 or equivalent  
  • Experience working with children 
  • Interacts with students, colleagues, supervisors, family members, visitors, government agencies and personnel under all circumstances.
  • Intermittent physical activity including walking, standing, sitting, lifting, and supporting children.

Working Conditions

  • Interacts with students, teachers, administration, family members, visitors, government agencies and personnel under all circumstances.
  • Intermittent physical activity including walking, standing, sitting, lifting, and supporting children.
  • Manual dexterity required to use a desktop computer and peripherals.
  • Expected to work outside of regular work hours as required.

Knowledge and Skills

  • Knowledge and understanding of Nehiyawewin culture, language and traditions.
  • Culturally and politically sensitive.
  • Well-developed interpersonal, teamwork and public relations skills.
  • Effective verbal and written communication skills with individuals at all levels of the organization.
  • Ability to work independently and as a team member.
  • Good organizational, time management and prioritizing skills.
  • Ability to work effectively with school personnel, parents, students and community members.
  • Aware of and able to appropriately interpret all applicable laws and regulations for education, policies and practices.
  • Maintain confidentiality and integrity showing respect to staff, parents and members of the public.
  • Ability to adapt to and learn new software.
  • High level of critical and logical thinking, analysis and reasoning to identify underlying principles, reasons or facts.
  • Ability to work well under pressure and meet established deadlines.
  • Ability to interpret and implement the organization’s policies and procedures.
  • Attention to detail in all areas of work.
  • Clean criminal record check, including vulnerable sector clearance.

Positions under this category:

  • Education Assistant
  • Health Care Aide
  • Home Liaison
  • Instructor
  • Librarian
  • Library Aide
  • Non-certified Teacher
  • Speech and Language Pathology Assistant